Customer Charge for 60 to 200 Amp single phase service
for 3 Phase or CT Metered Single Phase(115)
All Energy (kwh)
General Power Rate (Non-Residential Usage) Small Size Customer (0 to 50 KW) – GSA1
Customer Charge for 60 to 200 Amp single phase service
for 3 Phase or CT Metered Single Phase(115)
Energy Charge 0 to 15,000 kwh
Medium Size Customer (51- l000KW) (GSA2)
Monthly Customer Charge
Energy Charge O to 15,000 kWh
Above 15,000 kWh
Demand Charge First 50 KW
No Charge
51 to 1000 KW
Large Size Customer (1001- 5000 KW) (GSA3)
Monthly Customer Charge
Energy Charge All kwh
Demand Charge O to 1000 KW
1001 to 5000 KW
Qualifying New loads or additions >250 KW may apply for TV A’s Valley Investment (VII) Credit. Manufacturing Customers > 1000 KW qualify for TV A’s General Manufacturing Credit.
Security Light Rate
40 Watt LED
129 W LED Flood
192 W LED Cobra
100 Watt High Pressure Sodium
175-Watt Mercury Vapor
400-Watt High Pressure Sodium
1000-Watt Metal Halide
Extra Pole
Lighting kwh charge
0.07569 $/kwh
Because all PCEP A customers are extended an average of 66 days credit, deposits are necessary. General rate deposits are 60 days of power usage history or estimated comparable usage history. Residential deposits are based on credit score with reduction for 2 years good payment history.