February 13, 2025

Energy Savings Tips

  • Add insulation, if needed. Insulation is the most cost-effective energy savings available.
  • Install new high-efficiency windows and doors.
  • Install an electric water heater with the best insulation around the tank(highest R value).
  • Replace incandescent lights with compact fluorescent bulbs.
  • Replace existing equipment and appliances with Energy Star® products. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and DOE (Department of Energy) have teamed together to promote energy efficiency products and practices.
  • Caulk, weather strip, or insulate around windows, doors, and around pipes and wiring that pass through the ceiling, walls or floor. If a bug or spider can get through an opening, so can air. Caulk it!
  • Seal your duct work. Do not use duct tape or metal tape. Do use mastic tape or mastic paste.
  • Check return air filters monthly. Change them when dirt appears to restrict air flow. Prentiss County Electric recommends using a high-quality filter.
  • Lower your water heater temperature to 120 degrees F and reduce hot water use by taking showers and using cold water for laundry whenever possible.
  • Wrap water heaters in an insulated blanket.
  • Once a year, drain about one gallon of water from your water heater to remove sediment in the tank.
  • Keep debris away from outdoor units, and keep bushes and shrubs at least 3 feet away.
  • Don’t place furniture in front of return grills. A clear path is necessary for air to return to the unit.
  • Ventilate attics to remove heat in the summer and moisture in the winter. Use wind turbines or exhaust fans on thermostats. Remember, don’t cover turbines in the winter or moisture might start forming.
  • Install radiant barrier, a foil-like material used to block radiant heat transfer across open spaces such as between a roof and rafters.
  • Use window shades to reduce solar heat gain in the summer.
  • Turn off lights, televisions, and computers when not in use. Leaving them on 24/7 generates heat and will increase your electric bill!
  • Use ceiling fans or stand-alone fans where possible instead of turning the thermostat cooler.
  • Turn thermostat up in the summer and down in the winter. Each degree saves approximately 5% of heating and cooling costs.
  • Remove and recycle your second refrigerator or freezer.
  • Clean refrigerator coils and set the temperature at 36 to 39 degrees F. and the freezer at 0 to 5 degrees F
  • Make sure fireplace damper is closed when not in use. Don’t waste warm or cool air up the chimney.
  • Air dry dishes instead of using the dishwasher’s heat drying option.
  • Open curtains to let the heat from the sun in during the winter days and close curtains to keep the heat from the sun out during the summer days.
  • Match the size of your pot or pan to the size of stove and cover it with a lid when cooking.